"Wrold's largest imanufacturer of khalil mamoon nargileh, khalil mamoon argyle, Khalil Mamoun Hookah, argile, hookah, shisha, glass argyle, alfakher hookah flavours etc. We also export hookah accessories to usa, germany and arab." "> khalil-mamoon-hookah
Univac Tubecrafts Private Limited
F - 10, Industrial Area, Udyog Nagar, Rohtak Road, New Delhi - 110041, India;                Telefax : +91-11-4571 8480.
Mobile - +91-81304 71841 ,    88268 11892;            Email : univacgroup@gmail.com

Khalil Mamoon ShishaPage     1>2>3>4>5
KM 13 - Khalil Mamoon shishaKM 14 - Khalil Mamoon shisha
    Rs. 12995/- (Retail price)                                                                                             Rs. 12495/- (Retail price)
KM 16 - 41" tall - Khalil Mamoon shisha                                KM 18 - Khalil Mamoon shisha
    Rs. 12495/- (Retail price)                                                                                                                                  Rs. 12495/- (Retail price)
       KM 14 - 36" (90cm) tall  
       Rs. 11995/- (Retail price)
KM 17 - 36" (90cm) tall - 94.95 $
       Rs. 11495/- (Retail price)
* Minimum order - 25 pieces each model 
* Prices vary for less than 25 pieces order 
Introducing  - OSCAR
Bliss Hookah Tobacco & Bliss Herbal Flavours        Oscar Glass Hookah                          Silicone hoses
Univac Furncrafts Private Limited
Works: J-1, Udyog Nagar Industrial Area, Rohtak Road, New Delhi - 110041, India
Tel: +91-11-4914 7858; +91-11-4571 8480;  Mob. & WhatsApp: +91-95555 34055; +91-81304 71841
Email: univacgroup@gmail.com
the ultimate taste of shisha